It is at an end. Not the novel, just NaNoWriMo. No mo' NaNoWriMo.
The goal of NaNoWriMo is to write an entire 50,000-word novel in 30 days. I, of course, started early and managed a whopping 2732 words total, or about 5% of the NaNoWriMo goal. And that's fine.
I did some good work, including a final 180 words today. (Nothing yesterday, unfortunately. I doubt I would have written 47,268 words, but something would have been nice.) Chapter 10 is not quite done, but it's getting there.
Here's some statistics: I ended up averaging about 68 words per day over the entire 40, and a whopping 124 when only the days I actually worked are counted. I wrote on 22 out the 40 days or 55% of the time. My current word total is 21,588.
At the rate I'm going, I would have a 50,000-word draft done in about a year-and-a-half. If I worked on it daily, that time would shrink to about nine months.
If I had to come up with a resolution from this, it would be that I would like to work on the manuscript more than 55% of the time. I don't mind the low daily average of words simply because I don't have much time to devote to it each day, so being able to do anything is helpful. However, I should really be adding those 124 words 70% or 80% of the time.
I'm trying, though.
I wonder what the next 40 days will bring?